Shaughn Carl Irons - Online Memorial Website

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Shaughn Irons
Born in United States
51 years
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Dwight Marcus Glodell Music Man Lives On August 25, 2015
Hey Shawn

I'm heartbroken that I can no longer write this to you in person. You were everywhere as we were both coming up in the Rochester music scene. In all the years since we were in the same room together I've never met a more personable or genuinely joyful man. There was never a room you entered that didn't light up a little, and I know there are dozens who will agree with me on this. I was pretty hard on everyone back in the day. That includes you. I never had words with you, but I resisted your entry into the musical space I'd created for myself and the artists and bands I loved. I know you knew, and you probably weren't too happy about my perosnal style - I know a lot of other weren't. But you just smiled that most captivating of smiles and moved on to the next big idea. So just take this to wherever you can now. I felt a strong bond of brotherhood with you then, and you're in my thoughts as only a brother could be now.


Dwight Marcus Glodell 
Maria Sanyo Mis Condolencias January 24, 2015
Mis mas sinceras  condolencias:

Sabemos que este sentimiento de dolor y pena son muy tristes y veces no se pueden soportar, pero la Biblia da una esperanza maravillosa para usted y su familia,es acerca de la resurreccion , en la Palabra de Dios en el capitulo 5 versiculos 28 y 29 dice: No se maravillen de esto porque viene la hora en que todos los que estan en las tumbas conmemorativas escucharan su voz, y saldran¡¡¡¡, es importante y beneficioso saber de esta esperanza,lo promete Dios.

Para mas informacion acerca de esta esperanza dirijase a:J.W.ORG. 
Pete John Lifelong friend June 18, 2010

For those who knew Shaughn, I grew up with him and knew him a Shawn, and spent a great deal of my childhood, adolescence and young adulthood at his house in Greece, NY.

I first met him in 4th grade and he had just returned from a trip to Egypt with his mother. He had a wanderlust that obviously followed him throughout his life.

Kate, his mother extended to me every encouragement a young man could want. She let me use their garage to paint my car over Easter break one year. And Shawn's dad Carl, or Nort as we know him, let me paint his Olds 88 after seeing how mine came out  Shawn had a hot date with Patty down the street before it was finished and had to use the car that night while the paint was still fresh. The next day I was preparing to rub out the paint job, I had to clean off the freshly splatterer skunk that Shawn had hit the night before off the paint. He kept gagging every time he got close to it, and it really was a ripe one!

But this was just one of many adventures we had together.

We evacuated our high school when we erupted a hand made 200 pound concrete volcano with pyrotechnic chemicals in the crater and an overzealous teacher with a fire extinguisher was another one. We both got "A's", the teacher got fired.

We practiced archery in his driveway, mostly hitting the target. Although Mr. Montgomery did find one of our arrows in his roof and was not too happy about it. We always did wonder where that one went.


We worked at Camp Pathfinder when we were 15 for 8 grueling weeks and shared a 4 person tent with 2 other "Choreboys" for a grand total of $50.00 compensation. It seemed like a good idea at the time, although in retrospect I'm not sure it was all that worth it. Cleaning dining halls, hauling propane, potatos and gasoline, slopping toilets, cleaning trail lamps from sunup to sundown was hard work.


I went to my first concert with Shawn. Eagles and REO Speedwagon. Many others followed afterwards. After his mother passed away I spent many nights over at his house with him and his renter Liz sharing a Guiness or five and hauling his audio mixing equipment from the house to his van. From his van to his house, back again the next day, and so on. Such was the life of DJ Sean-O, as he called himself then. I never did find out the final spelling of his name, as he evolved it over the years, until today.

I am not saddened to hear of his passing, as he was much more alive in his time than most of us will ever be. Instead I am rejuvinated in the knowledge that he lived a full and unrestricted life as evidenced by the photos I see of his many friends and good times in the days since he left Rochester.

Shawn, oddsbodkins you will be missed!  Pete


Jim McKay Uncle Shaughn February 6, 2008

When Joelynn (Shaughn's niece) and I were preparing to get married in 1992, we were in Rochester for some planning.  Shaughn met us there and was very encouraging and enthusiastic, full of ideas and willing to help.  I always admired his candor and kindness, and I never heard him say a discouraging word.  Boy, this man knew A/V and staging, and he didn't flaunt it.  He met us at Chastain park in Atlanta once with tix to Spyro Gyra, and a seat at the bar with the band later.  What fun!  I know many folks will miss him.  God bless     - Jim

Janet Cohen Friend from Nevada City February 5, 2008
I was shocked to hear about Shaughn today and so sorry to hear the news.  I only really knew Shaughn through his work with SYRCL--monitoring the Yuba river and, most of all, his fantastic help with the Wild and Scenic Film Festival.  The first couple of festivals would, quite simply, not have happened without him.  I'm forever in his debt.  My sympathy to all his family.
Johnna To Shaughn: February 5, 2008
You were my friend. The memory that pops up in my head... the time that someone was cutting you off and being closed minded to you in a five rhythms meeting; and I stood up for you and your ideas. We had each others back. I feel that we are somewhat of kindred spirits, in that we open our mouths despite the prudent thing being to keep them shut. You were someone who wasn't scared to call it like you saw it even if that was something others didn't risk. The last time I saw you was when you came and picked me up from Lake WW when I needed a ride. Thank you for being someone who I could ask to do that for me. You seemed like you were different the last time I saw you. You seemed like you were on skid row. I had found the 12 steps and wanted to share it with you, but you wanted to go get a pint together. I am sad that you had a hard time yet glad of all the joyfulness. The Spirituality and Intimacy weekend with Luis and Susan was great. What a beautiful memory of the snow coming down out side the green room. I will never forget the drinking/smoking night when you first moved down stairs from Shawn. I am sorry that I was a tease to you that night, I would have been a better friend if I could do it over. Well Shaughn I don't drink anymore, but I am glad to have had good times with you. You were so full of love. I felt accepted and loved by you. Thank you for giving all the service you did to our community. Thank you for giving of your open heart and warm smile. I hope you are dancing around in the after life wearing your kilt and drinking from pints of water.    
Rick Sanger Friend February 3, 2008

My heart is soft for this wild and crazy guy. Shaughn helped me transition into a more social life in Grass Valley and gave me support as he pushed me closer to my comfort limits.  He introduced me to 5 rhythms dance which continues to shake away my self-criticism.  He was ultimately responsible for my attendance at Louis's S&I workshops that unearthed bonds that have held me my entire life.  He hired me to help him at Foothill Theater company -a wonderful experience! - and I still remember a beautiful Fall afternoon when we took a break on the roof of that theater....He and I did the entire technical setup and projection of the SYRCL film fest in 2002....back when it was only two venues (now it takes over 60 technical volunteers!)...and I continue to volunteer to this day.  I still remember finding him asleep at a particularly outrageous party, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall.  When I kicked his foot, he raised his beer and said in an irish accent "just getting my second wind!"

Shaughn challenged me and his life was a blessing on mine.  I love you shaughn...

Kathryn Hirt friend February 3, 2008

I miss you Shaughn. Though we were friends only a little over a year, I have thought of you often since we lost touch last December, remembering our days into nights into full weekends of playing music, talking about friends, family, old loves, politics, music, music, more music, burning cd's and watching movies and many random adventures. You were a blessing in my life, a friend who felt like the ease of an old pair of jeans, and a heart that was large. Thank you for the time you were in my life, for your laughter, for too many pints of Guiness, for the San Jose flea market and mosquito net Burning Man costumes, for backyard BBQ's and sharing your life in it's fullness. You are in my heart. Kathryn

Diane and Dale Jacobson friends in Nevada City February 2, 2008
We first met Shaughn when he wanted to rent a Spartan trailer that Dale and I had at Dale's father's house on Lewis Road in Nevada City.  Shaughn easily won my heart with his warm smile and enthusiasm for taking care of the land.  Also, Shaughn tested my patience with his shenanigans.  To but it mildly.  But, I loved him and still think of him with much fondness.  He helped us photograph pictures for our yoga book, helped with our computer set-up, was the disc jockey for a party on our farm.   Shaughn orchestrated the lighting for the Foothill Theatre Company and did a fabulous job for them.  Shaughn also did the stage management and lighting for the Celtic Festival in Grass Valley - a huge three day festival.   He volunteered when the Tibetan monks came to our area and set up the lighting system that is still used today.  Actually, the monks are staying with us for three weeks and tonight is the disillusion of the  White Tara mandala. The mandala of long life and compassion.  I have given them his name to add to their prayers today.  I know Shaughn would have been here if he could.  It was always sad to me that Shaughn had to struggle so much this lifetime - he had a huge heart and truly cared for family and friends and his main intent was to bring creativity, passion, beauty and love to all he met.  My love, prayers and blessings are with him! 
Maureen Murphy Cousin February 1, 2008

Dear Sharon, Keith and family,


My special thoughts are with you today.  I wish I could be with you to hear and share memories of Shaughn.  Remember the good times and I will look forward to hearing from you. 


Love always, Maureen

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